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Connect your inventory items with your experiments using the sample element.

Meirav Matto avatar
Written by Meirav Matto
Updated over 11 months ago

Adding samples to an experiment allows you to efficiently document your work within a few minutes, interactively, without opening cabinets and storage units, and at the same time keep an accurate record of your used and unused samples. It also allows you to easily keep the context between your experiments and inventory.

How to use the sample element: 

  1. Click anywhere on the section to open it in edit mode, and look for the 'Add samples' option under the 'More' drop-down menu.

 2. Adding samples:
​  2.1 - Choose a collection from the drop menu. The collections that appear are the ones to your inventory module.

  2.2 - Select samples to add. Start typing the first three characters of any of your sample fields, default or custom fields, sys ID or sample name. You can choose the samples you need from the suggested list. You can add multiple sample at once, just by selecting them.

  2.3 - Create new samples that do not exist in you Labguru inventory, by clicking on 'Create new sample'.
The new sample will be added to your inventory collection. 

If your collection has a required custom field, a new pop-up will be open for you to populate the field information.

2.4 - Adding samples can also be done with the sample basket - For more details please refer to this article

3. Customize column information. All chosen samples will be listed and divided into collections with selected relevant information chosen by you.

The shown fields correspond to your collection's customization.

 4. Adding stocks:
​    4.1 - After adding a sample, you have the option to 'Select stocks'.

    4.2 - Select stocks in three different ways: from the list of available stocks, create a new stock by clicking on "Create new stock/s" or scan your stocks' barcode to add the desired ones:

 5. Add more information about your selected items and stocks. You are able to update the stock volume/weight amount used for each stock in the sample element. If you subtract the amount of weight used in an experiment and if 'Automatically mark stocks as consumed' is enabled in the account settings the stock will be automatically consumed when the amount will be reduced to 0.
You are able to see an updated value of volume and weight on the stock page, stocks index page and the experiments tab.
In addition, you can add more information about the used stocks in the remarks section.

6. Mark your stocks as consumed. While working on experiments, it is common that aliquots are consumed. In Labguru it's easy to update this information by selecting the stocks you already consumed clicking on "mark as consumed" 

Those stocks won't be available anymore.

 7. Check for updates. Sample's information are frequently updated, to have your samples element up to date click on 'Check for updates'.
Fields with content changes are remarked in yellow, where both entries old and new (in orange) are visible. You can choose to accept individually each change, approve, or reject all.

The connection created between experiments and samples items:

The samples, and their stocks, added are then linked to experiments. On each sample's page, there is a tab called 'Experiment And Protocols' that contain all the experiments where the sample is or was being used, the owner of the experiment and the stock/s used.

  • Note that any collection samples that were added to experiments and protocols, including stocks cannot be deleted from the account unless they are removed from the corresponding experimental pages first. 

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