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WorkFlow Editor Steps
Ilya letnik avatar
Written by Ilya letnik
Updated over 2 months ago

The Workflow editor steps allow you to build a custom flow of events, here is a description of all the available steps:

  • Conditions - Can be performed on text (strings) or numbers (integers). Users can choose whether the flow continues or stops when the condition is met. The option to archive stopped runs can help reduce the number of irrelevant runs in the 'Logs' tab.

    • For strings - This can be done with any text field in a variable. i.e. {{}} or {{trigger_stock.type}}.

    • For integer - This can be done with any numerical field in a variable. i.e. {{}} or {{equipment_1.owner_id}}.

    • Between numbers - Check if the value is within range of any numerical field.

    • Exist - Check if an object has an internal value.

  • Get - Store a page as a variable in the flow database as a JSON file format. Pages can be called either by name ( i.e. {{}}) or by id (i.e. {{experiment_1.project_id}} - pay attention! This call is actually for a project, that you know its ID from an associated experiment that was already stored as a variable).

  • Find -

    • Find Section - Finds a section in an experiment stored as a variable by its name and stores it as a variable.

    • Find Element by Name - Finds an element in an experiment stored as a variable by its name and type and stores it as a variable.

    • Find Element by Section - Finds an element in an experiment stored as a variable by its section name and type and stores it as a variable.

  • Report -

    • Create Report Basic - This creates an empty report in the account. Users can choose how to title it. The report is also added as a variable in the editor.

    • Copy form data to report - Create a new section in a report that is stored as a variable. The section will be based on a text template taken from a document that is stored as a variable, and inject data from a Form Element input fields that are stored as a variable. Adding values from a Form Element can be done by adding double curly brackets with form input field names in the document (i.e. {{performed _by}} ).

    • Update Report - Add a new section to a report stored as a variable, the section will include a text box with a template described in the step. Users can inject into the text, data from a Form Element that is stored as a variable. Adding values from a Form Element can be done using the double curly brackets with the form input field name in it (i.e. {{performed _by}} )

  • Datasets -

    • Create dataset - Create a new dataset in Labguru from an Excel attachment.

    • Update dataset - Adds a vector to an existing dataset.

  • Excel Calculation - Read data from a sheet in an Excel attachment that is stored as a variable and perform calculations on data in that sheet. The result is added as a new section, in the experiment where the attachment is located. To add calculations, Use the following format #{sum = xls_.cell(1, 1) + xls_.cell(1, 2)}.

  • Create Task - Creates a task in Labguru, sets a due date, and assigns it to a member.

  • Link Objects - Link to pages that are available as variables.

  • Send email to - Sends an email to a member by email or user number (e.i. {{experiment_01.user}} ). The email can be linked to a page that is stored as a variable and can have content predefined in the step.

  • Downloader - Downloads the actual file from an 'attachment' variable to the temp folder in the editor (for calculation or analysis).

    When using this step the attachment should be defined as a variable in the scripter step if further parsing and analysis are needed:

  • Attachment Downloader - downloads all attachments of a page. The files should be defined as variables in order to access them for further use

  • Upload attachment - Add an attachment to a page in Labguru that is stored as a variable in the Scripter.

  • Flow delegator - Sends the flow to trigger another flow. Useful in situations where a flow needs to be activated by two different triggers (for example, update a plasmid name when the plasmid is created or edited).

  • Variables logger - Adds details to the log on all variables in flow.

  • Extract images from Word Document - Extract all images from a doc/docx file and store them as variables.

  • Lab scripter - see the following article

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