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DNA Sequence and map display

The new sequence map tool allows you to display and manage a vast variety of molecular biology features.

Ilya letnik avatar
Written by Ilya letnik
Updated over a week ago


This article is an introduction to the new sequence map viewing tool.

In the collection customization page (under inventory), an admin user can enable the sequence feature. Once enabled, it is possible to add a sequence to any item in that collection.

With this tool you can display the plasmid map, set up feature display options, simulate an agarose gel with restriction fragments, and more.

To view it, click on the “Sequence & Map” tab on the item info page:

Adjust sequence display

Select “Circular” or “Linear” to the left of the map to determine how the sequence will be displayed.

When choosing the circular view, rotating the map can be achieved by clicking on the arrows on the top left side of the view panel.

The map view includes a display of restriction enzymes and the corresponding cleavage sites. Clicking on an enzyme will highlight its cleavage site within the sequence map.

Properties tab - this tab gathers information about features, primers, translations, cleavage sites and ORFs, divided into tabs. Each tab centralizes the information in an interactive table.


Toolbar options:

Export - download sequence as a FASTA/Genebank file/Teselagen JSON File

Show/Hide cleavage sites - Presents restriction sites on the viewer. The default is the presentation of one cleavage site. Clicking on the small arrow next to the scissors icon allows the user to choose restriction site types (single cleavers, dual cleavers, specific enzymes, etc.)

Hide/Show features - Presents features on the viewer. The default is presenting all features.

Hide/Show Primers - Presents primers and restriction sites on the viewer.

Show Open Reading Frames - Displays the amino acid translation in the ORF, additional settings are available in the menu next to the arrow.

Switch to edit mode - The default is locked editing.

Use the find tool to search for DNA/AA sequences within the presented map

You can also simulate a view of your restriction enzyme digestion in your running gel under the Tools menu by selecting the relevant enzymes and ladders:

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