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The Plate Designer

How to design a plate element for your research.

Gal Hasse avatar
Written by Gal Hasse
Updated over 12 months ago

Labguru's plate layout designer offers numerous options that make plate designing an easy and intuitive process.
Add samples that were previously added to the experiment, symbols, annotations, serial dilutions and much more.
You can also export plates as Excel files that you can then upload to other experiments, which saves even more time.

Design your plate

  1. In the section go to "More" > "add plate", choose the size of the plate:

2.Start populating the well from the list of samples retrieved from the 'Samples and reagents' element previously created in the section.
Add also free text annotations to well without samples.

3. Wells annotation: Add symbols, change the samples' colors, write a description.
Create standards concentrations for multiple wells.

Create the perfect layout display of your plates in seconds.

4.Copy a plate from one experiment to another: Use the export/import plates via Excel templates function.

For more about the new plate designer - see this video

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