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Equipment: Import/Export/Update Function
Meirav Matto avatar
Written by Meirav Matto
Updated over 11 months ago

You can populate your equipment list faster and easier.
We implemented the same functionality as you already know from the Inventory module

1. Import new equipment

Before importing you can customize the collection to add the relevant information to your equipment using the import file. 

In the 'Equipment' page, click on the Cog icon in the upper right corner to open the drop-down menu and click on 'Import/Update'.

Download the import template (Excel file) from the new window. Make sure you follow the instructions before populating the Excel:

  • DO NOT delete/rename/move/add any columns (You may keep them blank or hide them).

  • Use "Paste Special -- Values" when copying into the template. 

  • The only mandatory field is Name.

  • Blue columns mark default fields. The orange columns are of the custom fields added by you.

  • Id: Do not fill this column. This is used only when updating existing items.

  • Equipment Owner: If you keep it empty, you will be automatically the owner of the item.

  • Tags: Use this column to add new items already with Labguru tags.

  • Storage Location: Choose where to locate the stock (or box if you decide to place it in one) from the drop-down menu.

Once done populating the Excel file, upload it to Labguru in "Step 3" on the import page by dragging the file into the box or by clicking on the box to browse the file. When the import is completed you'll get an email notification with a link to the import summary page in Labguru. 

2. Export your equipment list

You can export selected instruments (by checking their boxes on the left) or your full list (by not checking any boxes). You will receive your Export file by email.

3. Update your instruments

You can update your current equipment list by exporting your list and changing the existing data, inside the Excel export file. DO NOT edit the "Id" column!

You can import and update instruments in the same file, just remember to leave the "Id" column empty for new instruments and put the right ID for existing instruments you want to update.

If you encounter any issues, take a look at this article, otherwise contact us directly.

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