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Simple Code Blocks

Simple code blocks to use as part of your workflow

Ilya letnik avatar
Written by Ilya letnik
Updated over 2 months ago

General Functions

In-app notification popup

def notifyLabguru(content, members_ids, flow_title):
url = f'{base()}/api/v1/web_notifications/notify'
data = {
"item": {
"title":f"Labguru Automation - {flow_title}",
"content": content
"recipients": members_ids,
"token": token()
response =, json=data)
print ("notifyLabguru response status_code", response.status_code)

### member_ids should be sent as an array

Inventory Items

Update an inventory item

# Update the "name" field of the trigger_bacterium item using a PUT request

# Get the value of the "trigger_bacterium" variable
new_bac = variable("trigger_bacterium")

res = requests.put(f"{base()}/api/v1/bacteria/{new_bac['id']}", json={"token":token(), "item":{"name":new_item_name}})
print("request code is ", res.status_code)
if res.status_code // 100 == 2:
print("created new item with name ", new_item_name)

Get a filtered list of inventory items

# Get the value of the "trigger_bacterium" variable
new_bac = variable("trigger_bacterium")

# Initialize page count for pagination
page_count = 1

# Initialize a variable to store the last item in the list
last_item = ""

# Start a loop until the last_item is found
while not last_item:

# Prepare the request body for the API call
kendo_body = {
"token": token(),
"kendo": True,
"page": page_count,
"sort": {"0": {"field": "name", "dir": "desc"}},
"value": "b"

# Send a GET request to the API to retrieve page items and parse the response as JSON
items_in_page = requests.get(f"{base()}/api/v1/bacteria", json=kendo_body).json()

ELN Experiments

Add sample to a sample element

#Adds a sample to sample element, provide sample element and item objects
def add_sample_to_sample_element(item, sample_element_id):
# reset sample element data, necessary for update element
reset = requests.put(f'{base()}/api/v1/elements/{sample_element_id}', json={
'token': token(),
'element': {
'data': None

# Add sample to sample element
response ='{base()}/api/v1/samples', json={
'token': token(),
'item': {
"name": item['name'],
"item_type": item['class_name'],
"item_id": item['id'],
"container_id": sample_element_id,
"container_type": "Element",
return response

se = requests.get(f"{base()}/api/v1/elements/559", json={"token": token()}).json() #get a sample element
cell_line = requests.get(f"{base()}/api/v1/cell_lines/21", json={"token": token()}).json() #get an item

sample = add_sample_to_sample_element(cell_line, se)

Get elements from an experiment

#get elements from an experiment. must write exp. id. If all parameters left blank, return all elements in an experiment
def get_elements_from_experiment(exp_id, element_type='', element_name=''):
if element_type:
elements = requests.get(f'{base()}/api/v1/experiments/{exp_id}/elements', json={'token': token(), 'element_type':element_type}).json()
elif element_name:
elements = requests.get(f'{base()}/api/v1/experiments/{exp_id}/elements', json={'token': token(), 'name': element_name}).json()
elements = requests.get(f'{base()}/api/v1/experiments/{exp_id}/elements', json={'token': token()}).json()
return elements

get_elements_from_experiment(33, element_type='samples', element_name='')

Copy section

#For entity, put only string with either "experiments" or "reports"
def copy_section(entity ,destination_id, section_id):
if entity == "experiments" or entity == "reports":
body = {'item':
{'item_id': f"{destination_id}",
'section_id': f"{section_id}"},
"token": token()}
res ='{base()}/api/v1/{entity}/copy_section', json=body)
return res


Get a dataset

# Retrieve data from dataset
data_list =[]
dataset = requests.get (f'{base()}/api/v1/datasets/nnn', json = {'token': token()})
# print ("get dataset", dataset.status_code)
dataset = variable ("dataset_1")
for vector in dataset["vectors"]:
print (vector["vector"]["data"])

# Create a DataFrame from the data
df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)

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