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Shopping List Permissions And Notifications

How to grant shopping list permission and customize notification preferences

Judith Fiszlinski avatar
Written by Judith Fiszlinski
Updated over a year ago

In the roles and permissions setup, there is a permission called "Can approve orders". This permission allows users with that role to approve shopping list orders.

The ordering process steps:

  1. Add items to the Shopping List:

Go to the inventory item page from your collection and add it to the shopping list (only in collections where the purchasable attributes option is enabled by the admin)

2. Approval Notification:

After an item is added, users with the "Can approve orders" permission are notified to approve the order. This step ensures that only authorized individuals review and approve procurement requests.

3. Order Submission:

After the approval & submission, the list of approved items can be exported to CSV or printed as a purchase order (details at the end of the page).

4. Marking Items as Arrived:

After receiving the ordered items, users can mark them as "arrived" in the shopping list to provide real-time updates on the status of the materials.

How to Print Purchased Orders and Export Shopping Lists in Labguru

Labguru offers the ability to print purchase orders and export the shopping list. This can be incredibly useful for processing orders in another system, keeping track of your lab's purchases, and maintaining accurate records.

Printing Purchase Orders

Labguru allows you to print purchase orders per vendor, making it easy to keep track of your purchases from different suppliers.

The purchase order will be downloaded as a PDF file.

Exporting Shopping Lists

In addition to printing purchase orders, Labguru also allows you to export your entire shopping list or order history in CSV format. This can be useful for creating reports or analyzing your lab's purchasing trends.

The Excel file will contain all the items in your shopping list, along with their quantities, prices, and vendors. You can then use this file to create reports or analyze your lab's purchasing habits.

Shopping List Notifications

With the shopping list notifications, you can stay updated on the status of your ordered items and receive alerts when supplies are running low. Here's how you can customize your notification preferences.

  1. Go to your profile page by clicking the icon on the bottom left corner of the screen > My profile

  2. Click on the edit button

On this page, you can set the shopping list notification​s that you would like to receive .

In addition to customizing your notification preferences, you can also choose the frequency of notifications for newly added items to your shopping list. This can be helpful if you want to stay updated on new items but do not want to be notified for every single one.

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