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Importing Stocks

Create multiple stocks at once using our import function.

Meirav Matto avatar
Written by Meirav Matto
Updated over 7 months ago

Before adding stocks, you can create and customize the stocks by adding the custom fields that you need (only available for admins).

Because it is also possible to import your inventory collection with their stocks, you should use the option of importing stocks in the following scenarios:

  • Your inventory items already exist in the collections in Labguru and you want to create new stocks for them.

  • The inventory item has different stocks in different storage locations, with a different description or different name (concentration, owner, etc.).

  • When you want to edit/update existing stocks.

How to import Stocks

1. Go to the stock page under the 'Storage' module

2. Click on import.

3. Download Labguru’s customized import template (.xlsx format).

4. Populate your sheet per the instructions (here below and more explanations in the sheet itself about each column in the header row).

The Name field is mandatory.

DO NOT delete/rename/move/add any columns (You may keep them blank or hide them if empty).

Use "Paste Special -- Values" when copying to our template. For dates, just use regular "Paste".

Stock ID: DO NOT enter values in this column. This column is used only when updating existing items.

Stock Type: drop-down list. Leaving the column empty will mark the stock as 'Tube'

Stock count: use only when you wish to create more than one stock.

Stock owner and Stored/frozen by: choose a member from the list. If you keep it empty, you will be automatically assigned as the owner.

Box Name: to place the stocks in a box fill in the Box name column. If you enter a name of a box that does not exist in your account, the import file will create it for you.

Box dimensions - #rows or #columns: Relevant when the box is not in the system. If left blank, the system automatically creates a 9 X 9 box.

Stock position: choose where, inside the box, to place your stock. Enter either a numeric or alphanumeric position (e.g. 1B or 11).

For multiple tubes, simply separate by commas (e.g. 1, 5, 12, 16).

* If left blank, the system will automatically place a tube in the first available slot in the box.

The Inventory collection field is populated using a drop-down list. When linking the stock to an existing collection item, you must fill in the name of the collection and the item's name as it appears in the inventory.

Inventory item sysID: You can fill in this field instead of the Inventory item name (no need for both) with the ID of an existing collection item.

Inventory item name: You can fill in the name of an existing collection

Storage Location:

If importing stocks that are not stored in a box: Choose stock storage location from the drop-down menu.

If importing stocks to a new box: Choose box storage location from the drop-down menu. And if a rack number should be specified, it should only be on the first row of the box content stocks.

If importing stocks to an existing box: Keep empty. Storage location will be according to the box location.

Guru Tips:

For more tips on how to fill in the import table correctly look for the small red triangles in the headers of each column, hover over them to view each explanation.

5. In the Import Stocks page, upload your template file to Labguru.

* You can also drag the desired file to the upload field.

Guru Tips:

The import will be done in the background, meaning you can move on to other pages in Labguru and once the import is done, you will receive an email notification with a link to the import summary.

If you encounter any issues with importing your stocks, please see the troubleshooting import article. If the issue persists please send your file to our support team and we will be happy to assist. Contact us using the purple smiley icon present in any Labguru page at the bottom right.

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