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Upload any type of files to your experiments and any other Labguru documents.

Meirav Matto avatar
Written by Meirav Matto
Updated over 6 months ago

In Labguru, you can upload files of any format to any section of an experiment, protocol, SOP, report or document.

Upload relevant files for your research:

1. Attach any type of files to a section, click on the clipboard icon on the top left corner of the section:

A new element opens at the end of the section in which you can attach files either by dragging or browsing:

The files will appear in the page both in the section you have attached it to, and in the 'Attachments' box at the bottom of the page.
You can make the attached files visible within the section using the option "add to page" (available for images, PDF, Excel, Powerpoint and HTML files) or select to download or delete them.

Now the files attached can also be edited locally, click here to learn more.

2. Images can also be added directly within the text element, simply by clicking on the picture icon of the text editing toolbar:

The following window opens, where you have the options to attach an image from a local folder or type a URL



Images editing: image properties can be edited by clicking on the image and choosing an option from the menu that will pop up beneath it. To add color marking, text or to crop the image, enter the annotation tool by clicking on the pencil icon in the menu:

Other options are :

  • alignment selection,

  • display (inline or on a new row),

  • use the image as a link to another page

  • add a border

  • alternative text (short text that appears in place of an image on the webpage if the image fails to load).

Lastly, you can also attach unattached attachments/images using the folder icon:

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